About Us
Our service centers in Atlanta, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Montevideo offer innovative software and IT solutions to companies around the world. We are recognized for quality and integrity business working together to enable a better, safer and more interconnected world. Wherever you are, whatever your industry, our experts provide specialized solutions to make your business faster, simpler and more efficient.

Our Story
Xennit is an entrepreneurial company run by the founders, they own the company together with partners who provide extensive experience in financial services and industrial production.
We are support hundreds of companies worldwide with software designed for world-class data-driven production.
As a software company, Xennit develops and operates several products and provides associated services to ensure customer value and long-term relationships.
We are driven by values
Being values-driven means more than the company’s expectations of behavior internally. It means that you make decisions based on your values, that your values are a core part of how you operate as an organization.

With the vision that technology allows us to propose the improvement of our quality of life, almost 10 years ago we created our R+D area, providing innovative solutions.

From our Digital Services area, we adapt to dynamic product cycles, providing analysis and change management, software development, testing, infrastructure and security, to generate comprehensive and scalable solutions..

Our multidisciplinary team allows us to propose different perspectives to the reality of each business and thus be able to adopt new technologies in high added value solutions in a replicable and iterative way, generating differential value proposals.